Wednesday, August 01, 2007


#92 I'm saleing away...

So last Sunday we went saleing.

I bought chopsticks, pillows, and two decks of cards.

I really wish I had space and money for some of the cool stuff we found. Antiques galore!! It was awesome!!

Clearly, I need to hit more garage sales.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


#67 - Excellent Service!

So we went out for dinner last weekend to the New Asian Village. Our waiter was fantastic!

He overheard me say that I think all drinks should come with umbrellas and then brought me an umbrella for my milk. And also in the one I ordered after that.

So I left him a most excellent 50% tip. I hope he knows that he made my night!

Saturday, April 21, 2007


A Long Overdue Update!


So I was looking at the list, and I think it's time I finally did an update!

#8 Lose enough weight to have a flat tummy - In Progress

#16 Camping with a -40 sleeping bag - Done!
I went camping with the lovely T & S last September long weekend. I was warm!!

#68 Contact Juggling - In Progress
I borrowed a book and a ball from JugglePants. Not very committed to practicing, but I'm trying to be better about that.

#79 Company-funded Massages - Done and Done!
I've been seeing my massage therapist for over a year now. And I haven't paid for any of it!!

#83 Join a gym - Done!
Kristy and I started working out twice a week last fall. I have a membership card with a bad picture of me and everything!

Ok! So far so good. I think I will try to cross something off this list again this weekend!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


# 55 - Fountains of Fun

So I did it.

Morgoid, Human_Loser and I went and played in the fountains one very hot evening and I just went all out.

It was the funnest thing I could have chosen to do on such a hot day!

One more down!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


#31 & 32 - It was a toughie!

Sweet Jeebus.

I did it.

I didn't have chocolate for all of June. (I made one exception for birthday cake; because I think it's rude to not have cake at a birthday party.)

Lemme tell you, that box of seashells was so damn tasty.

That's two more off! Woo!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


#20 & #84 - Knock 'Em Off!

#20 - Own an SM-ing laptop.
This entry is being posted as I sit on my couch with Murray, my new laptop. He may be second hand, but he's just fine for what I need him for. I plan on taking him with me on the next largish show I have to do.
Woo Murray!

#84 - Go for a ride on Jeff's bike.
Last time I was out in Leduc (Mother's Day) I asked for a ride. We dug out my helmet, got me some proper shoes and we were off! I only had to scream "JEFFREEEEEEE!" once or twice, and only when he topped 100 km/h. It was lots of fun, I haven't been on a motorcycle in ages! I'm glad I did it, because he plans to sell it soon, I think. He's always thinking of getting bigger and better toys; just like our dad!

Anyway, that's two more off!

Friday, February 10, 2006


#95 & #101 - Driving with Seuss

So a friendly police officer was kind enough to inform me that my registration was expired, and that the address on my licence was wrong; to the tune of +$300 in tickets.

So we had that taken care of post-haste.

And whilst out shopping with the Herb, we managed to each pick up a copy of Seussical the Musical. It makes really good driving music.

There, strike two off!

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